Speaker: Dr. Rajiv Saini, MS
Scroll below for Bio and all presentations scheduled for this speaker
DISCLOSURE OF SPEAKER AND FACULTY COMMERCIAL RELATIONSHIPS: According to Dental CE Academy's Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Policy, faculty and speakers for any course are expected to disclose any economic support, personal interests, or potential bias that may be perceived as creating a conflict related to the material being presented. Disclosure statements are printed in each course description and announced by moderators or individual speakers at the beginning of each presentation. This policy is intended to alert the audience to any potential bias or conflict so that participants may form their own judgments about the material being presented.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: This course is sponsored by H2Ocean. The speaker, Dr. Rajiv Saini, MS declares a financial relationship with H2Ocean. For written documentation you may contact support@dentalcenow.com.
DENTAL CE ACADEMY DISCLOSURE: The views expressed and opinions and materials presented during these live and recorded presentations represent the personal views and opinions of the individual speaker and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Dental CE Academy. Dental CE Academy assumes no responsibility for the content of the presentations made by the individual speakers. Any suggested protocols for treatment, materials, or services may be based up on the speakers' own clinican experience and should not be construed as Dental CE Academy recommended or endorsed. Selected presentations may include exploratory research or experimental procedures and are intended for informational purposes that may lead to new interest and scientific breakthroughs in the fields of dentistry. Dental CE Academy appreciates its educators who share their knowledge and expertise. This level of dedication to dentistry allows our profession to expand and thrive and provokes necessary discussion and understanding.